prolapse surgery

Uterine Prolapse – means the uterus lacks support because the original supporting ligaments known as the uterosacral ligaments have broken. When the ligaments break, the uterus prolapses along with the vaginal vault (aka apex). This is a common phenomenon among women of all ages but most commonly associated with women who have had childbirth. Dr’s Miklos and Moore recommend a hysteropexy or keeping the uterus in most cases of uterine prolapse.
Drs Miklos and Moore recommend a uterine suspension surgery for uterine preservation if the patient wants to keep her uterus. Uterus prolapse surgery without a hysterectomy (removing the uterus) can be achieved by uterine preservation specifically uterine suspension and this is technically called a hysteropexy.

Uterine prolapse

Drs Miklos & Moore have been performing uterus prolapse surgery, hysteropexy for more than 20 years. Hysteropexy is a uterine preservation surgery which is most often coupled with a paravaginal repair (cystocele surgery) for uterine and bladder prolapse. Most surgeons recommend a hysterectomy without vaginal support or a hysterectomy and a uterosacral ligament suspension without ever taking a patient’s feelings or thought process into account. Drs Miklos & Moore are women advocates who believe women should be give choices, alternatives and knowledge when deciding on uterus prolapse surgery. The hysteropexy is the most effective uterine preservation uterine prolapse surgery and can be performed with and without mesh depending upon the patients’ wishes and surgeons discretion.